Today, I realized that there are many things that can operate like ants in our lives...diminishing the purpose of a particular season we are in...distracting us from the benefits of where we are and what we are doing. We can weary ourselves in battle with these things and still not gain much ground.
The ants in life are those annoying little things that seem to pile up when we are not looking; those stubborn stains that make you want to throw it all away; those nagging should've/could've/would'ves...
Ants remind us of how vulnerable we are because they creep in through the cracks. And one thing is for sure, we all have a few cracks.
Vulnerability happens when you are wearing your favorite sweater feeling nice and comfortable. That thing sneaks up on a conversation; suddenly giving you a be or not to be.
Ultimately, the decision on whether to be vulnerable or not is tied to our honesty, integrity and ability to set boundaries. A decision not to be vulnerable comes with lies meant to fill in the cracks and protect. But lies never do that very well.
Being vulnerable then, is a decision to let others see you as you really are. To choose the truth with all your cracks and the ants that stand nearby...invading at times.
And yes, I am learning to live with the summer fight against ants. And to fight with gratitude that they show me where my home is most vulnerable.
I am also learning to accept that vulnerability comes with being human.
Let us bring our vulnerable selves before The Lord who searches the heart and is our only security. He is our only true protection and our one hope. Only He can uphold us!
Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
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